Into Onesness: Living From the Unified Source
Tired of superficially dabbling with “transformation” at or just below the surface of reality? Have you been waiting for the express elevator into Source? Join Barton and Megan Cutter for the Into Oneness Series, an experiential gateway where we will dive deep into the nature of experience to taste the connective tissue that underlies all perceived realities. Together, we’ll explore ways to deepen and invigorate your current practices, move beyond form and content to experience self and world differently, and integrate new understandings to accelerate your liberation!
Through limitation-shattering experiential activities, perception-expanding solo-practice, and reality-altering—holy-fuck conversations, you/participants will:
- Understand the “connective tissue” that underlies all meditative, spiritual, and human development practices
- Gain clarity around the distinction between the content and contour of experience
- Play with multiple lenses for accessing the unified field of consciousness
- Learn the tools to pierce beyond experience, into the source of space, time, and consciousness itself
- Shift your lived experience from accidental flirtations with unity into moment by moment eruptions of vast freedom
Barton’s very being invited me into a deep relationship with source.
Barton’s very being invited me into a deep relationship with source. I have only met a few people who’s presence instantly invite me into that space. He is definitely one of them. I just have to look at him and my spirit goes to source all on its own
~Phoenix G., Participant
Into Oneness: Foundations
Join Barton and Megan Cutter for Into Oneness: Foundations, your doorway to the Into Oneness Series, an experiential weekend where we will dive deep into the nature of experience and begin to taste the connective tissue that underlies all perceived realities. Together, we’ll set the foundation for understanding how that “connective tissue” operates, how to hone the tool of perception to experience it directly, and explore ways to deepen and invigorate your current practices.
High emphasis is placed on limitation-shattering experiential activities and reality-altering conversations so you have the tools to develop and enhance your own perception-expanding solo-practice. Through the Foundations course you will:
- Find direct access to the “connective tissue” that underlies all meditative, spiritual, and human development practices
- Play with multiple lenses for accessing the unified field of consciousness
- Develop perceptual acuity to distinguish and move from various layers of experience
- Activate deeper intimacy with your perceived reality
- Glimpse new paradigms for identity, freedom, and expression
Into Oneness: Unwinding the Perceived Self
Owning who you are can be a vital step on one’s personal journey. Yet so often we can get stuck in the limitations of who we perceive ourselves to be without knowing the true freedom that lies beyond the individualized “self.” What happens we untangle the stories and perceptions of who we think we are? What would it be like to investigate our experiences directly, beyond intellectual framework and interpretation? By unwinding perception, down to the crystalline nature of direct experience, we come into reflection of “who is it that experiences?”
Through deep investigation in group and solo-practice, combined with reality-altering personalized guidance, you will:
- Hone key principles for investigating experience: focus, acuity, allowance
- Explore the freedom outside of defined identity and take a dive into who is the experiencer
- Open to vibrance beyond intellect and interpretation
- Deepen clarity around the distinction between the content and contour of experience
- Taste the “connective tissue” of consciousness independent of identity
Come join us for a quantum leap in awareness where a new identity becomes the core arising of time, and space! You ready? Let’s play!!
Into Oneness: Bounce, Laugh, Serve! L1
Do you feel pulled in a million directions without any sense of joy or renewal? Does this lead to a sense of not being present anywhere? Our days can be filled with obligations and requirements, fatigue washes over, and we are left feeling disconnected, numb, and hollow. What if the bounce from moment to moment was met with joy and freedom, where you felt fully present, alive, and invigorated? Discover the spontaneity that arises from intimacy with source, and how it can lift your relationship with people and the world around you.
Through perception-shattering experiential exercises, and reality-altering—holy-fuck conversations, you will:
- Experience full immersion into source as joy
- Explore new ways of service beyond typical definitions
- Dive into the rhythmic expansion and contraction of source in each moment
- Allow laughter to inform and connect to source while lifting the luminous space
- Bounce from space to space with vigor and continual connection to source
- Shift your lived experience from accidental flirtations with unity into moment by moment eruptions of vast freedom
Come join us for a radical re-wiring into boundless freedom, veracious laughter, and unfathomable profundity! You ready? Let’s play!!